Mental Health Kerry McBroome Mental Health Kerry McBroome

Treating Hair-Pulling with DBT 

Hair-pulling, also known as Trichotillomania, is a pattern of behavior that affects many people. It causes them to repeatedly pick at or pull out their hair, and often results in noticeable hair loss and emotional pain. Finding effective treatment is critical. In this article, I'll explore how DBT can help treat hair-pulling and provide some practical tips for both patients and therapists.

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Mental Health Kerry McBroome Mental Health Kerry McBroome

Reclaim sexual health with queer-friendly online apps

Apps like Grindr are designed so that queer people, predominantly gay cisgendered men, can find each other through their phones. It has an opportunity with its audience to provide information that may be helpful to them. In 2017, that’s what Jack Harrison-Quintana was trying to do when he launched Grindr’s Sexual Health Resource Center.

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Mental Health Kerry McBroome Mental Health Kerry McBroome

DBT for anxiety

Attentional control is one of the tools in your toolbox that helps you zoom the focus back out, such that you can be aware of what else is happening in the world, beyond the threat. We’re not ignoring the stern look or the sense of doom here- we stay aware of the threat’s existence. We just zoom out the lens a little bit so that we notice what else is happening at the same time.

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Mental Health Kerry McBroome Mental Health Kerry McBroome

Forming queer community: Pansexual edition

For many pansexual people, forming queer community can start with exploring how to define your sexual orientation, connecting with people in similar positions, and choosing how and with whom to share all of this. This article will take a look at one research study into the different ways pansexual people form queer community.

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