Treating Adult ADHD with DBT
Living with ADHD can feel like having a superpower that does not come with an instruction manual. One minute you’re hyper-focused on a project. The next, a dozen unrelated thoughts pop up to distract you. Things slip through the cracks. In this article we’ll get into how DBT works and how it can help you navigate having a brain with ADHD.
Overcoming Procrastination with DBT Skills
Procrastination is a common struggle, and we’ve all had to deal with it at one point or another. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) has tools to help you regain control, balance your emotions, and start moving forward—one small skill at a time.
The Stages of DBT Treatment: Road Map for LGBTQ+ Clients
Whether it’s emotions that feel like they’re running the show or past traumas that still sting, creating balance can feel tough. Enter Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), a powerful therapy designed to help you regulate your emotions, manage distress, and build a life you’re proud of.
What is the Real Cause of Anxiety: Understanding and Managing Anxiety in LGBTQ+ Adults
Anxiety is a common and often misunderstood experience. That’s particularly true within the LGBTQ+ community. This article will explore the root causes of anxiety, with a focus on the unique challenges we face as LGBTQ+ adults.
LGBTQ+ Friendly Therapy is a Game-Changer for Queer Adults
Finding therapists that truly understand and affirm our experiences as queer people is a daunting task. This article aims to shed light on why LGBTQ+ friendly therapy is essential and the ways it can make a profound difference in our lives.
Treating Hair-Pulling with DBT
Hair-pulling, also known as Trichotillomania, is a pattern of behavior that affects many people. It causes them to repeatedly pick at or pull out their hair, and often results in noticeable hair loss and emotional pain. Finding effective treatment is critical. In this article, I'll explore how DBT can help treat hair-pulling and provide some practical tips for both patients and therapists.
4 Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills Bisexual People Need To Know
Finding your own path in the landscape of mental health can be hard for people all across the LGBTQ+ spectrum. For bisexuals in particular, the trip through discovery and acceptance and into better mental wellbeing is marked by unique struggles. In this article, let’s explore how Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) can be applied to our experiences as bisexual people. We’ll explore how the skills from the four key modules of DBT can be adapted to work for bisexual people specifically. Though DBT was not designed with us in mind, it can still provide valuable tools for exploring our identity and for accepting and challenging the specific stigma and discrimination we face as queer people.
Pros and Cons of DBT Therapy
Dialectical behavior therapy is an evidence-based treatment with a strong body of research to support it. Will it work for you personally? Read on to discover a list of four pros and cons of DBT therapy, to help you decide for yourself if it would be effective for you to try.
DBT for anxiety
Attentional control is one of the tools in your toolbox that helps you zoom the focus back out, such that you can be aware of what else is happening in the world, beyond the threat. We’re not ignoring the stern look or the sense of doom here- we stay aware of the threat’s existence. We just zoom out the lens a little bit so that we notice what else is happening at the same time.
Mindfulness vs medication for the body, mind, and soul
“Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction vs Escitalopram for the Treatment of Adults With Anxiety Disorders: A Randomized Clinical Trial”
How gardening teaches self-care and lowers anxiety
Caring for plants reduces anxiety and lowers stress. Did you know it can also teach vital lessons about how to care for yourself? Let’s explore how gardening teaches self-care, and how that can reduce your anxiety.
How to fail at mindfulness
Here’s how my first attempts at being more mindful crashed and burned. We’ll talk about how to fail at mindfulness, and how (and why!) to try again.