Mental Health of Hispanic Lesbians and Queer Women
If you are a Hispanic lesbian or queer woman, you may find yourself navigating through a world where these two parts of yourself don’t always fit together seamlessly. Let’s dive into how culture, identity, and community all play a role in shaping the mental health experiences of Hispanic lesbian and queer women.
Mental Health Impact of LGBTQ+ Representation in the Media: Why Seeing Yourself Matters
Have you ever watched a movie or TV show and felt like, Finally, someone like me!? That feeling of recognition is powerful, especially for us LGBTQ+ people. In this article, we’ll explore how LGBTQ+ representation impacts mental health—both the helpful and the harmful-and give you tips on how to navigate this landscape.
What is the Real Cause of Anxiety: Understanding and Managing Anxiety in LGBTQ+ Adults
Anxiety is a common and often misunderstood experience. That’s particularly true within the LGBTQ+ community. This article will explore the root causes of anxiety, with a focus on the unique challenges we face as LGBTQ+ adults.
Why Bisexual Visibility at Work Matters More Than Ever
Despite increasing awareness and acceptance of LGBTQ+ concerns, bisexual people often face a unique maze of challenges in the workplace. By sharing bisexual stories, I’m hoping to foster understanding and inclusivity in the workplace.
What to Ask to See If Your Therapist Is LGBTQ+ Friendly
Connecting with the right therapist can be a transformative experience, especially for those of us in the LGBTQ+ community. If you’re in the process of finding a new therapist, use these questions as a guide to ensure they’re queer-friendly.
LGBTQ+ Friendly Therapy is a Game-Changer for Queer Adults
Finding therapists that truly understand and affirm our experiences as queer people is a daunting task. This article aims to shed light on why LGBTQ+ friendly therapy is essential and the ways it can make a profound difference in our lives.
Loneliness in the LGBTQ+ Community: Combating Isolation
Loneliness is a universal experience. It comes with a serious impact on mental and emotional well-being. In this article, we'll delve into the source of loneliness for queer people, how it impacts us as a group and as individuals, and end on some practical tips for overcoming it.
Forming queer community: Lessons from a Retreat for Black Lesbians
Forming queer community is often spoken about as the cure for loneliness for LGBTQ+ people. But how do you go about building it? This article explores different strategies for how we can connect with our queer family. Let’s take a close look at research published in the Journal of Lesbian Studies that explores the strategies one group of Black lesbians use for constructing LGBTQ+ community.
5 steps to friendship: Forming queer community
The importance of building a strong and supportive queer community cannot be overstated. For us in the LGBTQ+ community, finding a sense of belonging and connection is crucial for navigating the complexities of identity and relationships. However, building such a community can come with its own set of challenges, from overcoming internalized shame to traveling huge swaths of land. In this article, we'll explore five actionable steps that can help you in forming queer community, one that is grounded in authenticity, inclusivity, and mutual care.
Reclaim sexual health with queer-friendly online apps
Apps like Grindr are designed so that queer people, predominantly gay cisgendered men, can find each other through their phones. It has an opportunity with its audience to provide information that may be helpful to them. In 2017, that’s what Jack Harrison-Quintana was trying to do when he launched Grindr’s Sexual Health Resource Center.
How gardening teaches self-care and lowers anxiety
Caring for plants reduces anxiety and lowers stress. Did you know it can also teach vital lessons about how to care for yourself? Let’s explore how gardening teaches self-care, and how that can reduce your anxiety.